There are temporarily technical problems with purchasing tickets online and using bank cards at the ticket office. We apologize for the inconvenience.


In the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve it is forbidden

Smoke on the Museum-Reserve territory
Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Walk on the lawn
Ride a bicycle or scooter *
Visit the Museum-Reserve territory with animals
Use fireworks and light a fire
Pick flowers

— in the parks "Alexandria" and "Oranienbaum" parents with children under 7 years old are allowed to use balance bikes, bicycles, scooters and other means of personal transportation (without electric drive), without interfering with other visitors.

On the territory of the Peterhof State Museum Reserve Peterhof it is not permitted:

To smoke on the entire territory of the Museum-Reserve

To be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

To walk on the lawns

To cycle

To visit the territory of the Museum-Reserve with dogs

To use any pyrotechnical equipment and set campfires

To pick flowers

To sunbathe 

The visitors are expected:

- to purchase their entrance tickets to the parks and museums or to present the documents, granting the entrance, at the control points of the Museum Reserve;

- to present identification when requesting the discounted tickets, proving eligibility for discount;

- to keep the tickets until the end of touring of the Museum-Reserve;

- to follow the queue at the entrance through the control points.

During your visit to the Museums:

- use slippers or overshoes, provided by the Museum;

- do not touch the exhibits and lean on them;

- leave in the cloakroom, wardrobe: equipment, bags, which have the size greater than 20х30x30 сm but not exceeding  35х40х30 cm (items exceeding the last size are not accepted), as well as sport and travel bags, shopping bags, briefcases, suitcases, backpacks, large items, wet umbrellas, not transparent plastic bags, overcoats (including light jackets, shirt coats, rain coats and hats);

- сomply with requirements of the staff members of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve (custodians, сaretakers of the museum expositions, security etc.);

- on the territory of parks and museums, comply with the rules of conduct in public places, be friendly and attentive, show respect to pregnant women, women with children, the elderly and the disabled;

- in case of emergency and any abnormal situations (of human or natural cause, smoke, falling of the trees, the discovery of left bags, items, etc.), you must immediately notify the employees of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve and the security agents. Abide by the requirements of the authorized personnel from the administration of the the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve and, at their command, leave the museum, buildings and the territory of the park, remaining organized and calm;

- during a storm warning announcement, as well as during a sudden hurricane, a gale, act according to the instructions of the staff of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve and the security company, and in case of need, immediately leave the territory of the park, taking all safety precautions.

On the territory of the Museum-Reserve it is prohibited:

- to go beyond the barriers surrounding objects, to the non-public rooms, the sites and buildings closed for visitors;

- to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or in any other way disturb the public order;

- to smoke in museum premises;

- to bring or have in your possession fire and cold steel arms; ammunition; drug; explosive, flammable or poisonous substances; objects that can harm others;

- to conduct tours and cultural events, distribute tickets, sell products, to carry out any commercial activity without the written permission of the administration of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve;

- to leave inscriptions or drawings; to post stickers, posters and other items with informational content;

- to trespass or stay on the lawns;

- to leave any waste on the territory, set campfires, pick fruits, berries, mushrooms, flowers, catch insects, birds, animals, break plants;

- to visit the territory of the Museum-Reserve with dogs;

- to swim, sunbathe, or do fishing;

- to use fireworks without special permission;

- to go inside the fountains, climb on sculptures and architectural elements;

- to put inscriptions on buildings, sculptures, and elements of finish

- to ride bicycles (excluding the Alexandria Park), roller skates, scooters, skateboards (with the exception of the Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square), horse-drawn carts, horseback riding, riding sleighs and other vehicles or sports equipment without special permission of the administration of the Museum-Reserve;

- to bring food and drinks into the museum buildings;

- to use mobile phones inside the museum halls;

- to photograph and record videos in museums;

- to use audio-recording equipment with sound amplification without special permission of the administration of the Museum-Reserve;

- to enter and move around on vehicles without the special permission.

The violation of this Visitor Regulation or, the causing of any damage to the property of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve, will be reason for the material, administrative and criminal liability of this person(s) in order and in accordance with applicable legislation in Russian Federation. A person, who has caused material damage to the Museum-Reserve, is required to compensate it. Upon agreement with administration, the voluntary reimbursement of damages in the amount, estimated by the expert committee, is possible.