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1857-1858, architect A.I. Stackenschneider

The building of the Palace Telegraph Station in "Alexandria" was built in 1858, according to the project of the architect A. I. Stackenshneider. The station was a part of the Kronstadt electromagnetic telegraph line, that enveloped the Russian Empire by its dense network, during the reign of Emperor Alexander II.

The telegraph station in "Alexandria", was originally intended not only for the needs of the imperial court, but also for public use, this is why the building was built on the very border of the park and had two entrances. The court lackeys with "supreme" telegrams would come in from the park's side, the entrance for the urban residents was separated by a special fence.

The exposition on the first floor of the Palace telegraph station, is dedicated to the history of the optical telegraph, which preceded the electromagnetic one. The first line of the optical telegraph in Russia, that was connecting St. Petersburg with Kronstadt, was built in 1833, under the management of the French engineer, Jacques Chateau. One of the stations was based in "Alexandria", on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. The working model of Chateau's telegraph is presented in the museum, with its help, the visitors may visually get acquainted with principles of work of the optical telegraph.

The historical atmosphere of the telegraph station, was recreated on the ground floor of the museum. Because during the Supreme presence in "Alexandria", the station had been operating around the clock. The cabinet of the superior, combined the features of business premises with the resting room. At the Reception, you can find out what slips were used for the telegrams and how they were paid for. The Equipment room, exhibits the telegraph machines of Samuel Morse and David Hughes, with their help, the telegram were not only delivered to all parts of Russia in a matter of a few minutes, but also abroad. For maintenance and repair of the telegraph equipment, there was a Station Workshop with a set of essential tools.

Since the telegraph officials of the lower ranks permanently resided at the station, it was equipped with all necessary common facilities: the barracks and the kitchen, which served at the same time as a staff dining room. On the east side of the building, there is an yard adjacent to the household, with stables for horses. The authentic pavement of cobblestone, the icehouse with the well to drain melting water and even the frame of the cesspit have remained here. It is good that the building itself preserved, having been a witness of the difficult fates of the telegraph employees, whose lives were passing within its walls.

Palace Telegraph Station in the Alexandria Park