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There are many world-famous artists, but only units of the art dynasties. A special place among them, rightly belongs to the Benois family. This kin is of French origin. As it was often the case with many foreign families in Russia, the Benois family, having combined the French and German blood, Russified and became the stirpes of many Russian artists. For two hundred years in Russia, the family grew bigger, having enriched the dynasty with new names. There are many talented people among them, who have earned recognition outside the artistic pursuits. However, for its real glory, the dynasty owes to those who connected their lives with art. It is a constellation of gifted architects, painters, sculptors, composers and artists. The kin of Benois, combined the dynasties of Lancerays, Serebryakovs, Schreters, Tamanians, Ustinovs and Tcherepnins. The "Benois Family Museum" is dedicated to them, who enriched the Russian and world culture.

In the middle of the XIX century, near the imperial summer palace, two Freulein (Ladies-in-waiting) houses were built by the project of the architect Nicholas Leontievich Benois. Namely this man, who was appointed by the Emperor Nicholas I, as the chief architect of Peterhof, became the founder of the artistic Benois dynasty. Peterhof was a "native place" for many of its members, regardless of how their fate unfolded. The atmosphere of Peterhof itself, was harmonizing with the perception of art, reminiscent of the great masters of the past.

On September 27, 1988, in one of the blocks of the Freulein houses, an Art Museum was inaugurated, dedicated to the unique dynasty. The idea of its creation belonged to the grandson of the architect N. L. Benois, a well-known artist of the "La Scala" Theatre, Nicholas Alexandrovich Benois. His theatre works, letters and photographs from the family archives are presented in the museum. Graphics and architecture, theater decorative art and sculpture, pictorial and cinema art, music and literature - the development of all these forms of art was greatly contributed by the representatives of Benois family. An intimate character of the exposition, permits to show not only the recognized masterpieces, but also children's drawings, as well as works, by means of which, one can trace the beginning of the formation of one or another artist's signature.

The museum in Peterhof, became the center of the artistic heritage of the Benois family, and today, many people have the opportunity to get acquainted with such a unique phenomenon in the Russian and global culture.

Due to technical reasons the Benois Family Museum is open only for the pre-booked visits. Please phone us to book a tour through the museum (812) 450-58-06

Entrance to the Benois Family Museum at Dvortsovaya Square 8