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The pavilion of the "Chinese kitchen", is located on the eastern shore of the pond, in front of the southern facade of the Chinese Palace. The history of its creation goes back to 1760-1770, when A. Rinaldi was building the ensemble of the "Private Dacha". He expected to build two pavilions on both sides of the pond, the Coffee House and the Freulein House (Ladies-in-waiting House), but only the latter has been built. In the years 1852-1853, the architect L. Bonstedt, following the reconstruction of the Chinese Palace, rebuilt the pavilion, and the building received the name of "Chinese Kitchen". The meals were prepared here, and later were delivered into the Pantry of the Chinese Palace.

The roof of the pavilion resembles a Chinese pagoda. The two-story building is painted in a pale pink color. In the center of the hall of the first floor, there is a chimney with two Russian furnaces around it (one of them was for pie-baking (Rus."pirozhki"), two Dutch stoves with an oven, confectionery ovens and grill cabinets, skewer appliances and boilers. Beside, there were the coffee pantry with "an English hearth of large size with a stove and an oven", together with an oven for pies, a service room, a pantry for dishes, a tablecloth pantry, a confectionery, a serving room, as well as a bathroom with "a water machine of three taps" and a space for washing dishes. The service staff lived on the first floor - a chef and bartenders. Not far from the Chinese kitchen, there was a brick icehouse arranged for the storing of products.

The building was reconstructed several times, and was used as a kitchen, a hospital, stables housing, a court and Cavalier blocs. Its appearance and interiors were changing. In Soviet times, the furnaces were dismantled and the pavilion was arranged for communal apartments. Only the chimney, that has remained in the center of the room, is reminiscent of the original use of the pavilion. Currently, the lower hall, freed from all the partitions, is used for temporary exhibitions of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve.

Chinese Kitchen Pavilion in the Oranienbaum Park