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1722-1724, architect N. Michetti 1800-1803, architect A.N. Voronikhin

1853-1854, architect A.I. Stackenschneider 

An important role in the layout of the Lower park's central ensemble, is played by the "Voronikhin colonnades". They close the parterres in front of the Great palace on the north side, and accentuate the entrance to the Sea canal.

Already in Peter I’s time, the galleries with small pavilions of brick and wood, were built on both sides of the canal. By the Tsar’s decree, there was a glockenspiel set in the eastern gallery - a musical instrument with crystal bells, that was set in motion by water. Continuing the "water ploys", in the middle of the XVIII сentury in the western gallery, the water organ was created - "Jaeger’s thing". The water, falling on the water wheel, forced in motion the colored wooden sculptures of the jaeger, blowing the horn, satires, playing flutes, barking dogs, chasing the deer and twelve singing birds. The sounds were produced with the help of the bellows.

In the beginning of the XIX сentury, the dilapidated galleries were demolished. The colonnades of granite, brick and Pudost stone, were built on their places. The fountains were installed on top of the gilded domes of the side pavilions, and on the roofs of the galleries. The figures of lions, carved from granite by the design of I.Prokofiev, were placed at the entrances to the galleries. The new construction received its name - the "Voronikhin colonnades", on behalf of their creator - architect Andrey Nikoforovich Voronikhin. Half a century later, the colonnades were faced with marble by the architect A.I. Stackenschneider and acquired modern appearance.