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The Palace Ticket
The multimedia project «The Palace Ticket» gives the visitors an opportunity to know more about the history of the Grand Peterhof Palace and gives them a chance to take a look at the museum from the perspective of the visitors of the past years.
Test: find out what Peterhof Hero you are
Try to guess the names of most beautiful palaces & parks of Peterhof rotating 3D panoramas
Nicola Benois: graphic novels
Project is an artistic collaboration between museum workers and illustrators. A series of graphic novels, based on letters, photo archive and memoirs, tells about theatrical artist Nikolay Benois (1901-1988), about his path to success and incredible creative life, full of exciting encounters and unexpected turns.
Live broadcast: Grand Cascade
Welcome to the online broadcast of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. Here you can look at the work of the Grand Cascade fountains in real time. Webcast provided by the TIME TECHNOLOGY company.
Get a Bird's-Eye View of Peterhof
Take a virtual tour above Peterhof to watch the summer residence of the Russian emperors from an unusual point. Only when you get 300-400 meters high you'll consider the unique structure of the palace & park ensemble in detail. The explanations are given in Russian.
Multimedia Play System "The Grand Peterhof Palace"
The multimedia information-play system is an entertaining & visual overview of the major milestones in the 300-year history of the Grand Peterhof Palace. The timeline format allows to discover key eventd in the Palace's life using various keys (paintings, prints, photographs, drawings, archival documents, museum items). The system includes the Architectural Construction Set that gives an opportunity to try the role of the Palace's architect and re-create the project by Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelly or build your own palace façade based on the famous monumets' patterns. All visual materials and images of the objects come from the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve collection and from open digital sources. The multimedia system is available in Russian & English. The language switch is in the upper left corner.
Peterhof State Museum-Reserve & National Museum of the Palaces of Versailles & Trianon Joint Internet Project
Special web-site project was launched by Peterhof State Museum-Reserve and Palace of Versailles to commemorate the journey of Peter the Great to Versailles in 1717. Peterhof took the lead in this project. 9 interviews with Beatrix Saule, Director of the National Museum of the Palaces of Versailles & Trianon, and Dr Elena Kalnitskaya, General Director of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve, explain their view on this historical event. Both Russian and French museums demonstrate the paintings, prints, and the architectural drawings from their collections. The web-site was the first joint project amon the European museums. it gives a unique opportunity to understand the event from different perspectives of Russian and French cultures that are strongly connected. Site is available in English, French and Russian.
First Fountain Laucnhes in Peterhof
Each year at the end of April - the beginning of May Peterhof State Museum Reserve celebrates the beginning of the summer season with the first fountain launches. In this site section we gathered the photos of the launches in 2010-2019 so that despite the current lock down of parks & museums you could share with us the spring mood and hope for the earliest meeting in the Russian "capital of fountains"!